Photo: foodphotoalex/Envato

Spider-Man is coming back. That’s right. Another reboot of the beloved Spider-Man franchise is happening and Spidey is all set to hit screens worldwide next year. The title of the new film is Spider-Man:Homecoming, which is being made as you are reading this! The Spider-Man:Homecoming cast has been announced, and it’s a fantastic lineup of actors who are going to essay the roles. People are eager to know the details of the new Spider-Man cast. So, don’t worry, we will tell you all about it.

Makers of Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Homecoming is being produced by Marvel Studios and Colombia Pictures together. This trend of two or more studios coming together to produce a movie is becoming very common in Hollywood. It’s because the budgets for movies, especially superhero movies laden with special effects, need to be huge and it’s easier to raise the money when two studios pool their resources together. Also if the movie tanks, the loss is less for each studio and easier to digest. That’s the thinking behind Spider-Man, as well. The movie will be distributed by Sony Pictures Entertainment. It is being directed by Jon Watts. Watts is an American producer, director and screenwriter. He has directed earlier films like, Clown and Cop.

Whose Acting?

Tom Holland will pay the lead role of Peter Parker / Spider-Man. Holland is a young actor, who has impressed everyone by his acting in films such as, The Impossible, Wolf Hall and In the Heart of the Sea. He gave a great audition, as well. He has been signed to play Spidey in three films including the new Spider-man: Homecoming.

Michael Keaton will appear as one of the villains in the film. Keaton is a consummate actor who has given great performances in both serious, as well as comedic films. He played Batman in Tim Burton’s version, and has taken on roles in movies like, Pacific Heights, Clean and Sober, The Paper, Jackie Brown, Birdman and the Oscar winning, Spotlight.

Marisa Tomei will play the role of Aunt May. Tomei is an Oscar winning actress, who has acted in both serious and comedic films, as well. She won the Oscar for the 1992 film, My Cousin Vinny. Her commercial movies include, What Women Want, Anger Management, Wild Hogs and Parental Guidance. Her acting in movies like, Untamed Heart, The Paper, In the Bedroom and The Wrestler have won awards and accolades equally.

Robert Downey Jr. will play Tony Stark / Iron Man. This is the first time that the character of Iron Man is appearing in a Spider-Man movie. The genius, industrialist playboy is appearing in Spider-Man, as he was also part of the Captain America universe. The producers of Spider-Man:Homecoming felt that his relationship with Peter Parker will be a very interesting and rewarding aspect of the new movie.

Other actors who will play important roles in this reboot include Zendaya, Donald Glover, Jacob Batalon, Laura Harrier, Tony Revolori and Tyne Daly. All of them are very excited to be part of this reboot and have already started promoting the film at various events like the 2016 San Diego Comic Con International.

What’s the Plot?

The actual details of the plot have not been revealed, though fans already know the story of Peter Parker and how he becomes Spider-Man. In this film, Parker will be seen trying to balance his high school life with his responsibilities as a crime fighter. A more humane side of Spider-Man will be revealed, as Parker will deal with the everyday life problems of a 15-year-old high school student. The Spider-Man:Homecoming trailer release date has not been finalized, but the release date for the movie has been fixed. It is July 7, 2017.

Everytime Story

Expect lots of laughs, action and lessons to be learned from Spider-Man:Homecoming. Every 4-5 years, it seems that Hollywood works on a Spider-Man franchise to enthrall a new generation of viewers. It’s story telling at it’s best; a tradition handed down to inform and educate the coming generations. It’s a responsibility the makers of Spider-Man: Homecoming take seriously.
